据美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的实时数据显示,截至北京时间4月6日7时,全球新冠肺炎确诊病例达1270069例,死亡病例达69309例。目前全球已有至少208个国家和地区出现新冠肺炎确诊病例,中国以外超过110万例,全球疫情形势严峻。 英国:首相约翰逊入院接受检测,女王发表全国电视讲话 由于确诊后10天仍然显现新冠肺炎症状,英国首相约翰逊周日入院接受检测。不过唐宁街表示,约翰逊仍掌管政府。 约翰逊上个月检测呈阳性,在唐宁街进行自我隔离,但仍然没有退烧,因此他的医师认为约翰逊应该入院接受检测,但政府方面表示这是“预防性措施”。 唐宁街强调首相不是紧急入院,并仍然掌管政府。一位消息人士说,外交大臣拉布将主持政府周一的COVID-19紧急会议。 就在同一天早些时候,英国女王伊丽莎白二世发表电视讲话,呼吁英国民众团结抗疫,共同度过艰难时刻。 这是伊丽莎白二世登基以来第5次在圣诞节以外的时间发表电视讲话。前4次分别为1991年第一次海湾战争、1997年戴安娜去世、2002年女王母亲去世以及2012年女王登基60周年。 伊丽莎白二世在讲话中说,这一充满挑战的时期为许多人的生活带来了巨大变化,感谢奋战在一线的医护人员、重要岗位的工作者和所有坚持待在家中的人们,希望英国民众共同努力取得抗击疫情的成功。 “我们将共同努力应对这一疾病,我想向你们保证,如果我们团结并且坚定,将战胜这一疾病。我希望在在未来几年里,每个人都能为他们面对这一挑战所付出的而感到骄傲。” 据约翰斯·霍普金斯大学实时统计数据显示,截至北京时间4月5日下午4点,英国确诊病例累计47,806例,累计死亡4943例。 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was admitted to hospital for tests on Sunday after suffering persistent coronavirus symptoms 10 days after testing positive for the virus, though Downing Street said he remained in charge of the government. Johnson, who was isolating in 10 Downing Street after testing positive last month, still had a high temperature and his doctors felt he should go to hospital for tests in what the government said was a "precautionary step." Downing Street underscored that this was not an emergency admission and that Johnson remains in charge of the government. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab will chair the government's emergency COVID-19 meeting on Monday, a source said. News of his hospitalization came only after an hour after Queen Elizabeth delivered a rare televised speech to the British public, calling for unity amid the coronavirus pandemic. "Together we are tackling this disease, and I want to reassure you that if we remain united and resolute, then we will overcome it," the Queen said. "I hope in the years to come everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge." The United Kingdom's death toll from the coronavirus has risen to 4,943, according to the Coronavirus Resource Center of Johns Hopkins University. As of 0800 GMT, a total of 195,524 people had been tested of whom 47,806 tested positive. 美国:福奇警告“美国将很难控制这场大流行病”,美卫生总监告诫民众下周将是“珍珠港时刻” 鉴于美国当前严峻的疫情形势,白宫首席疫情专家福奇警告,“下个星期会很糟,死亡统计会很惨重…美国将很难控制这场大流行病” 。 美国联邦公共健康事务卫生总监杰罗米-亚当在4月5日星期天的美国全国广播公司(NBC)节目当中也表示,“下周的情况将会是美国的珍珠港时刻,9.11时刻,但与珍珠港事件和9.11事件不同的是,这一次,(新冠疫情)不是定点发生的…对于很多美国人来说,下周将会是他们毕生当中最艰难的时刻,为了缓解疫情,每个人都必须做出相应贡献”。 据约翰·霍普金斯大学实时统计数据显示,截至北京时间4月6日早上6点,全美共报告新冠肺炎确诊病例335524例,死亡9562例。过去24小时,新增确诊26991例,新增死亡1186例。 As confirmed cases of COVID-19 and death toll from the disease continue to climb, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious diseases expert, said Sunday that the U.S. is "struggling" the get the coronavirus outbreak under control and warned Americans to prepare for the coming week "to be a bad week." But he also said that "within a week" or so the number of cases should start to flatten out, "the thing that's important is that what you see is increases in new cases, which then start to flatten out. But the end result of that you don't see for days or weeks down the pipe." U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams has echoed Fauci's remarks, warning that the U.S. is going to face a "Pearl Harbor moment," a "9/11 moment," during the following week. "It's going to be the hardest moment for many Americans in their entire lives," , Adams told NBC News on Sunday, stressing that everyone needs to do their part to flatten the curve. U.S President Donald Trump also gave similar warnings that the coming two weeks are going to be difficult, and "there will be a lot of deaths, unfortunately." 印度:全民熄灯“9分钟” 用烛光为抗疫祈福 4月5日晚9点,印度民众举行了一项特别的活动:关掉家里所有的灯光,在自家的阳台、床边点亮油灯、蜡烛、火把或手电筒。 这是印度民众对印度总理莫迪“9点9分钟”倡议的积极响应。
与医生、护士、救护车司机、清洁工、安保人员和所有冒着生命危险对抗新冠病毒的人们团结起来,我们一定会胜利的! 当地时间3日,印度总理莫迪就新冠肺炎疫情发表全国电视讲话,号召印度全体民众于4月5日晚9时点亮蜡烛9分钟,呼吁人们团结起来共克时艰。 印度总统以及第一夫人也参与了此次活动,并在推文中表达了对印度人民团结一致共同抗疫的感激。 面对不断升级的疫情,印度总理莫迪于当地时间3月24日发表全国讲话,宣布自3月25日起印度将进入长达21天的全国封锁状态,并要求民众取消所有社交活动,尽量减少外出。 对于封城给民众带来的各种不便,莫迪表示,“抗击新冠肺炎是生与死的斗争,我们必须取胜,没有别的办法了,” 并恳请民众能够理解和原谅。 据约翰斯·霍普金斯大学实时统计数据显示,截至北京时间4月6日10点45分,印度确诊病例累计4,288例,累计死亡117例。 As the clock struck nine on Sunday night in India, the lights were put out in millions of households. People lit up candles, lamps and flashlights by their doors or windows. It was in response to an appeal by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, made on April 3, for a gesture of solidarity to "progress toward light and hope amidst the darkness spread by the pandemic." India’s President Ram Nath Kovind and first lady and their family members also joined the initiative and posted their photos on Twitter while expressing gratitude for national unity against the COVID-19 pandemic. Facing a surge of the COVID-19 cases in the country, Modi on March 24 declared a nationwide lockdown of 21 days starting on March 25. He urged people to practice social distancing and avoid outings as much as possible."I understand your troubles but there was no other way to wage war against coronavirus... It is a battle of life and death and we have to win it," he said. As of 10:45 a.m. April 6, the total confirmed COVID-19 cases in India reached 4,288 with 117 deaths, according to the latest data from Johns Hopkins University. 推荐阅读:美国医生1月初曾患“流感”,如今新冠抗体检测呈阳性? 为兵请命的航母舰长被撤,还遭到特朗普狠批…美国民众怒了 中国想做点好事,怎么就那么难呢…